Alfred Adler Institutes of San Francisco and Northwestern Washington

Earn 8 Hours of Continuing Education Credit in California

Substance Abuse
Diagnosis, Assessment, & Treatment:
An Adlerian Perspective

(Revised 1-14-14)

Dyanne Pienkowski, MA, MFCC, is a Classical Adlerian Psychotherapist and Chemical Dependency Specialist, who has been in private practice for sixteen years in the San Francisco Bay area. She has worked with chemically dependent clients and their families for twenty-two years in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Dyanne has studied with Sophia de Vries and Henry Stein for fifteen years; some of the major influences in the field of chemical dependency have been Stephanie Brown, Tim Cermak, Claudia Black, Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse, Terry Gorski and Marc Schuckit. Dyanne is certified as a Master Addictions Counselor (MAC).

Henry T. Stein, Ph.D., is a Classical Adlerian psychotherapist, training analyst, and director of the Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco. He studied with Sophia de Vries and Anthony Bruck who were trained by Alfred Adler. For more than twenty years, he has been training psychotherapists with an approach based on the original teachings and therapeutic style of Alfred Adler, as well as the clinical and philosophical writings of other Classical Adlerians. His own contributions to Classical Adlerian clinical practice include a comprehensive adaptation of the Socratic method and a thorough exposition of the twelve stages of psychotherapy.

Home Study Course Includes:

  • Audio Recording
    Complete recording of a one-day, seven-hour course, including lecture, group discussion, and a demonstration of an Adlerian substance abuse intake interview.

  • Reading Material:
    Topic outline, course handouts, client questionnaires, selected articles.

  • Telephone Consultation:
    One hour of telephone discussion, with Dyanne Pienkowski. Additional case consultation time is available.

  • Continuing Education Credit:
    To earn 8 continuing education hours, you will need to complete a post-course questionnaire. The Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington is a California continuing education provider for MFCC's and LCSW's; Approval No. PCE 2963.

  • A Unique Combination of Substance Abuse and Adlerian Training!

    This course provides an opportunity to learn innovative Adlerian techniques and strategies for working with alcoholic/chemically dependent clients. The creative Adlerian approach enhances traditional substance abuse treatment models and AA/NA recovery programs.

    Course overview:

    • Identifies and defines the addiction syndrome
    • Reviews the history of addiction
    • Discusses the physiological, psychological, and social variables involved in making an accurate diagnosis
    • Provides case studies to illustrate diagnosis and treatment
    • Case vignette exercises to improve diagnosic skill
    • Demonstration of questioning a client using the Socratic Method

    Topics include:

    • Contemporary perspectives on patterns of alcohol and drug abuse
    • Assessing the extent of current use/abuse
    • Tracing the effects on society (the individual, family, and community)
    • Survey of available treatment alternatives
    • Developing an effective treatment and/or referral plan

    Participants will learn to:

    • Recognize the symptoms of addiction
    • Make appropriate interventions and referrals
    • Recognize and make appropriate interventions with affected family members
    • Utilize current programs of recovery (AA, AlAnon) as an adjunct to treatment

    Tuition: $300.00

    Topic Outline

    1. Introduction
    2. History and Contemporary Perspectives
      1. Alcohol
      2. Street Drugs
        1. Cocaine/Crack
        2. Heroin/Opiates and HIV
        3. Marijuana/Psychedelics
      3. Abuse vs Addiction
        1. Definitions of Abuse, Use, and Misuse
        2. Definitions of Addiction, Habituation, and Dependence
    3. Assessment and Diagnosis
      1. Symptoms Imitate Other Psychological Disorders (and Medical Problems)
      2. DSM-IV Criteria
      3. Patterns of Use, Symptoms, Emotional, Spiritual, and Cognitive Impairments
      4. Assessing Appropriate Level of Care
        1. Outpatient
        2. Inpatient
        3. 12 Step Programs
        4. Pharmacological Models (Methadone, Antibuse, Naltrexone)
        5. Social Setting Models (Day Programs, Residential Treatment)
        6. Psychotherapeutic Models (Dynamic, Behavioral, Group)
        7. Prevention Models
      5. Dual Diagnosis
        1. Assessment and Treatment
        2. Addictive Behavior and Mental Health Diagnosis
        3. Self Medication as a Treatment Issue
    4. Treatment Modalities
      1. The Medical Model
        1. Modern Adaptations of the Disease Model
        2. Diagnostic Materials
      2. Therapeutic Communities
      3. Inpatient
        1. 28 Days
        2. 30-60-90 Day Residential
        3. Detox Only (3-5 Days)
      4. Intensive Outpatient
      5. Day Treatment
    5. Special Topics
      1. Recovering Alcoholics/Addicts as Therapists
      2. Ethical and Legal Issues
    6. Recognition and Intervention With Family Members
      1. Co-Dependency - Is it Really a Disease?
        1. Recognizing Symptoms
        2. Breaking Through Denial
        3. DSM-IV Diagnosis
        4. Individual, Group, Family Therapy
      2. Effect of Substance Absuse on the Individual, Family, and Community
    7. Basic Adlerian Principles and Their Relation to Susbstance Abuse
      1. Depth of Inferiority Feeling
      2. Striving for Significance and Security
      3. Development of the Feeling of Community
      4. Activity Level and Radius, Tasks of Life
      5. Style of Life and Height of Fictional Final Goal
      6. Antithetical Scheme of Apperception and Private Logic
      7. Family Constellation
      8. Depreciation Tendency
      9. Creative Power
    8. Adlerian Treatment Approach (Strategies)
      1. Encouragement
      2. Cooperation
      3. Use of Early Recollections
      4. Socratic Method
      5. Missing Experience
      6. Correcting Life Style Mistakes
    9. Demonstration of an Adlerian Substance Abuse Intake Interview
    10. Summary/Closing

                        AN ADLERIAN PERSPECTIVE
    (Please print this form, fill it out, and mail it with your course fee.)
    Name:________________________________________  Date:_______________________
    City:___________________State:___________  Zip:________  Country:__________
    Home Tel:__________________________  Bus.Tel:______________________________
    Course Tuition:      $300.00
    Postage/Handling:     $10.OO
    Total Enclosed:      $310.00 (Payable to "Henry T. Stein, Ph.D.")
                 Mail to:  Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington
                           2565 Mayflower Lane
                           Bellingham, WA 98226  
             Information:  Call Henry T. Stein, Ph.D.
                           (360) 647-5670
    Substance Abuse Diagnosis, Assessment, & Treatment
    Tuition & Shippping: $310.00

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